Last Week: In our May 18 Kuby’s Commentary (Happy Birthday Brooke Kuby) we noted the extraordinarily difficult year small cap stocks were having, posting more than double the S&P 500’s decline. In an attempt to “accentuate the positive”, we suggested that “when...
Kuby’s Commentary
The Economic Gloom Vaccine Fervor Pendulum Swings
Last Week: Every Saturday morning I settle in with my cup of coffee and read the New York Times and Barron’s. This past weekend each had a headline that when put together clearly painted the picture of the surreal state of the world. The NYT business section digest...
Reopening Fervor
Last Week: Reopening fervor overwhelmed COVID-19 fever as the S&P 500 surged 3.5% and the Russell 2000 jumped 5.5%! Following that rally the S&P 500 is now higher than it was a year ago: It is also almost 40% higher than it was five years ago, which seems like...
Broken Days
Last Week: My standard opening: “Hang in there! As expected, more evidence of the economic fallout, combined with a continued ramp up in global coronavirus cases, has resulted in a 24/7 stream of disturbing headlines.” In the first quarter, which only included a few...
North Star Announces New Additions to Team
The North Star Family Office is pleased to announce that Eric Papenhagen and Harry Petruleas to the North Star Team. Eric Papenhagen has joined the Company as a Vice President. Eric will be advising clients on their investments, acting as a fiduciary liaison, and...
Getting in Tune
Last Week: My standard opening: “Hang in there! As expected, more evidence of the economic fallout, combined with a continued ramp up in global coronavirus cases, has resulted in a 24/7 stream of disturbing headlines.” New Home Sales, Durable Goods Orders, and...
The Song Remains the Same (and out of tune)
Last Week: My standard opening: “Hang in there! As expected, more evidence of the economic fallout, combined with a continued ramp up in global coronavirus cases, has resulted in a 24/7 stream of disturbing headlines.” Unemployment claims surged and retail sales...
Lockdown Countdown
Last Week: According to the CDC’s website, the practice of quarantine began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics. Ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing....
Breathe Thru the Pain
Last Week: Hang in there! I hope to only have to open the commentary with those three words for a few more weeks. From last week’s blog we offered the following thoughts: “More evidence of the economic fallout will combine with a continued ramp up in global...
Keep Breathing
Last Week: Repeating verbatim from our last blog: “Hang in there! We are going through the most challenging period of our lifetimes. Following the CDC guidelines and keeping a positive attitude is the best medicine to heal physically and mentally.” I expect to open...
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